Nicolas Daubanes, À bout touchant
(Paris: Bernard Chauveau Édition, 2022)
I translated the texts for Nicolas Daubanes’s monograph, À bout touchant.
Publisher’s description: À bout touchant by Nicolas Daubanes presents the artist's significant works since 2010 as well as his most important exhibitions since 2017 and seeks, above all, to show his way of working.
Nicolas Daubanes has developed a personal language that is expressed through the use of certain materials and gestures such as iron powder (magnetised or encrusted in glass or porcelain), sugar-laden concrete, the representation of a prison roof in times of mutiny, the use of dental ceramics, the use of scotch tape to hold broken glass, or the making of alcohol in prison, etc. All of these gestures and materials seem to be far removed from one another, but they all tend towards the same goal: the release of constraint, the search for a space of freedom.
This monograph, richly illustrated with exhibition views and works, brings together texts by Florian Gaité, doctor of philosophy and art critic, Valentine Umansky, curator at the Tate Modern, Marion Fontaine, historian and author, Aurélie Dessert, director of the Mémorial national de la prison de Montluc, Hélia Paukner, curator at the Mucem and an interview with Nicolas Daubanes conducted by Paul de Sorbier, director of the Maison Salvan art centre and Céline Ghisleri, director of the association Voyons Voir.